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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Which garden will you cultivate?

Someone once asked Dad: But what do you want to save time for? What are you going to do with it? 
For work, if you love that best, said Dad. For education, for beauty, for art, for pleasure. He looked over the top of his pince-nez. For mumblety-peg, if that's where your heart lies.

Quote from Cheaper by the Dozen

I have decided that time is more like a wild garden that needs pruning than a piece of tofu that can be cut into sort of wiggly blocks. Especially when you have children, so many factors really can affect the dynamics of the home. You know how you get on to check facebook and an hour passes even though you know it has only been a few minutes? Time management is so elusive! But anyway, when I have just a few actual set times, like mealtimes and bed times, and letting the rest of the day keep to routines and general guidelines for activities, it seems to work better than trying to schedule every hour for what I want done. So which garden will you cultivate, or, as quoted above, what are you saving time for?

We recently made time in our lives for a kitchen garden. We have tried with varying success in every state we have lived in, but this year the Lord gave me the desire of my heart. Even though I had just had a baby, and things were very busy, everything just worked out. The spot was carved out, soil amended, seeds grown. It was a lot of work, but it has paid off (unlike some other gardens we have tried to grow...) and every morning the harvest seems just right for the needs of the day. I imagined it would be the type if garden where lots of things ripen at once, then nothing for a while, and sometimes that happens, but for the most part, what I harvest that day is eaten that day, and it is enough. It is all that is needed to fill our plates and our hearts. It is a miracle how God chooses to meet the needs of his children and I am very grateful!

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